Program Description

BP Coach Diagram

Big Picture Coach is an intensive three-day course designed to help participants implement the concepts learned in Big Picture Core into a coherent strategy and executional plan. Participants in the Big Picture Core program should aspire to mentor others in the organization. Big Picture Coach combines lectures by instructors with presentations by participants and group work to refine Big Picture strategies and develop implementation plans. During the course, participants will refine strategy and execution plans specific to their business.

Picture certification is described in more detail in the Certification section of this document. Big Picture certification is granted for a twelve-month period and is maintained through periodic (annual) recertification activities.

Please note that this course is offered by invitation only and the class size is limited to twelve participants. This class will require fairly extensive pre-work (described below) and a commitment to 3 days of intensive class participation and instruction.

  1. Understand how to define, audit and operationalize core competence and strategic assets
  2. Learn how to link innovations to the core competence and how to expand to adjacent markets that fit with the core competence
  3. Map the brand structure of the firm
  4. Understand the downstream impact of FE and brand architecture on firm strategy
  5. Understand how to set effective team and corporate goals, to align goals to firm strategy
  6. Utilize customer profitability metrics to manage marketing acquisition and retention activities
  7. Run Big Picture workshops, running teams through the strategic, value proposition, and executional elements of the framework
  8. Fine-tune your business plan with BP faculty and other participants
  9. Get one-on-one coaching as you practice key framework concepts