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Meet the Instructor: Marketing Foundations with Marta Dapena Barón
The Big Picture Partners
Join Drew Boyd and his fellow LinkedIn Learning instructor, Marta Dapena Barón, to learn about the newly released version of the Marketing Foundations course.
Read MoreMeet the Author: Marta Dapena Barón, Big Picture Strategy
The Big Picture Partners
Dr. Marta Dapena Barón, the author of Big Picture Strategy, shows readers how limiting and focusing the strategic options available to company stakeholders can unlock previously inaccessible levels of productivity and growth.
Read MoreThe Strategic Plan as a Customer-Brand Story
Marta Dapena-Barón
In this presentation, Marta will discuss the key tools required for you to connect with your target audience, empowering them to seek change by collaborating with your brand.
Read MoreIntroduction to the Big Picture Strategy: The Six Choices that Transform Go-to-Market Strategy
Marta Dapena-Barón
Have you ever been part of a go-to-market strategy exercise? Did you find it challenging? Were you satisfied with the outcome? Developing go-to-market strategy is complex – it involves making choices considering lots of information, such as market trends, customers, competitors, suppliers, and the regulatory environment among others. Thankfully, the Big Picture Strategy approach helps you reduce complexity by focusing your team on the six foundational elements all go-to-market strategies must address: brand, business category, bodies, beliefs, behaviors, and benchmarks – the 6Bs.
Read MoreValue Proposition Surgical Robotics Simulation Now Live on Harvard Business Publishing Website
Marta Dapena-Barón
The Value Proposition Simulation: Surgical Robotics examines how Artificial Intelligence (AI) might impact the general surgery category.
Read MoreAs a marketing leader, you are responsible for a bundle of resources, and all are required to get the job done. Those resources obviously include human resources - your team - and also include financial resources in the form of a budget.
Read MoreCustomer loyalty is one of the most popular topics in marketing, but not all loyalty is created equal. Within the Big Picture methodology we have identified three types of loyalty, which we call Heart, Head, and Hand. While customers may exhibit different combinations of loyalty, one tends to dominate.
Read MoreImproving Your Supply Chain Without Damaging the Brand Experience: The Essential Questions to Ask
Marta Dapena-Barón
A business team recently asked whether I could help develop a value proposition for their supply-chain rationalization project. The project had been developed to save on inventory costs, but it was also tweaked to benefit customers. While rationalizing the supply chain is a worthwhile goal, it does not necessarily benefit customers; in fact, reducing product and distribution costs sometimes has the unintended consequence of disrupting customer's brand experience.
Read MoreWhen you lead a marketing team, people are going to look for direction about your marketing strategy. That includes your boss, your peers, and your team.
Read MoreWhile working with my strategic pricing class this week, I was reviewing responses to price cuts by competitors, and discussing when and how to respond to price competition. The tools and framework presented by The Big Picture provide important insights for determining how, when, and why a firm would respond to price competition.
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